Thursday, December 30, 2010

Citizen's Bank withdrawing from Norristown

Citizen's Bank will not renew its lease in Norristown, which is up in February. The massive building on Lafayette Street next to the transportation center can't be more than 15 years old. This is indeed a blow for The county seat. The Scoop has heard the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation is in a panic to find a new tenant.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cop gone bad

The Scoop has heard the arrest of a Conshohocken police officer is imminent. Seems one of the borough men in blue has been taking quarters from the local parking meters without permission, and subsidizing quite the lifestyle while doing so. Said cop gone bad could be behind bars soon.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Foot in the door

Let's take a moment to add up the score. Montco commish Jim Matthews told a local reporter that he had been meeting with cohort and colleague commish Joe Hoeffel for the past two years outside the public eye. So, if the fine for violating the Sunshine law is $100 that cranks up the tab from a possible $800 fine based on the reporter saying they'd been meeting for the past two months to possibly more than $5,000 if you calculate a $100 for each offense. Still chump change to these guys so what's the real reason the county district attorney is investigating? The Scoop has it on good authority that it is to get her proverbial foot in the door to drill a little deeper into pay to play allegations against Matthews.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Matthews job in jeopardy?

One day after a story ran in the local paper quoting Montgomery County Commissioners' Chairman Jim Matthews that county jobs were in jeopardy it looks as if Matthews cushy patronage position in the Corbett administration may be in jeopardy. The Scoop would really like to know what Gov. Elect Corbett was thinking offering Matthews a job in the first place.