Monday, September 24, 2012

Old PNC Bank building on chopping block

The former PNC Bank building is being foreclosed on. For a paltry $350,000 you can make a bid on the building. If you've been around Norristown for a while you'll know they just rehabbed the lobby, and it had to have cost a small fortune for the work. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Gangs of Norristown

You may have never heard of them, but they're there. While Norristown police continue to tell the local media there isn't a gang problem in the county seat, The Scoop has just found out that Family Services of Montgomery County's Norristown Communities That Care is asking for nearly a quarter million dollars to help combat the problem based on a report from, wait for it, the Norristown Police Department. The Chain Street gang: Bang Bang. The Lafayette and Chain streets gang: LC. The Oak and Smith streets gang: ONS. Some of the gang members are as young as 13, and two of the gangs, Bang Bang and LC have more than 3 dozen members. The Scoop recommends you pay close attention to the streets mentioned above, and stay away, far away!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

New chief in Norristown

Don't be surprised if Norristown hires back current police Capt. Willie Richet to be chief after he retires. Richet and current police Chief Russell Bono are retiring under the controversial 'drop' program next April, giving council plenty of time to find a replacement. However, The Scoop has it on good authority that council wants a black police chief, and they're willing to pay Richet full salary to come back, at least for a while. Of course, Richet will also be bringing in his tidy little pension as well. Not bad work if you can get it.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Warming up for the election

Let's predict what's going to happen in November.
Starting at the top.
Romney defeats Obama.
Now, let's focus a little on Montgomery County, where we live, work and play...for the most part.
Matt Bradford in the 70th has a write-in candidate for an opponent. Jim Phillips is simply not going to be able to last as a write in.
Mike Vereb in the 150th has a former reporter for The Times Herald, Kelly Devine attempting to give him a run for his money. Next!
Marcy Toepel is in the 147th and I don't think a former Golden Girl is going to be able to unseat her. That's right, Betty White is running for state rep. Ok, it's not that Betty White.
The most interesting race is going to have to be the rematch of Warren Kampf and Paul Drucker. Kampf took the seat away from Drucker about two years ago when Drucker came out in favor of tolling Route 422.
We'll let you know as soon as the dirt starts flying in the 157th. Should be the most fun race of this election season.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Keeping tabs

We know, we know, it's been a while since The Scoop gave you anything worthwhile to chew on, but to be honest, things have been kind of quite in Montgomery County, Pa. That's what happens when a new regime comes in and starts doing things the way they're supposed to. We have to admit, the previous four years were pretty easy pickings. Now we're just going to have to dig a little deeper. Don't worry, though, we're keeping tabs on the new inhabitants of One Montgomery Plaza. The first hundred days have been relatively quit, but that's all going to come to an end when budget season rolls around. They'll find out soon enough that the county  has been balancing its budget on a house of cards.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

One Montgomery Debacle

Wait, the actual name is One Montgomery Plaza. It is a debacle though.
I know we've written about this before, but now the entire building is wrapped in gauze because the county is afraid the public is going to be pelted with bricks falling from the facade.
Who is responsible for purchasing this piece of petrifying property?
We can go all the way back to the Matthews, Ellis Damsker regime.
The Scoop has to wonder if any of them ever heard the phrase due diligence.
The parking garage was falling apart at the time of the purchase, and yet they said, sure, let's buy it.
What really needs to come to light, though, is the building inspection that must have taken place before the county signed the check to buy the building. And who was the former owner?
Follow the money my friends, follow the money.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Great Escape

Not only a great movie, but also it seems, the new motto of former Montco commissioner Jim Matthews.  When will the average Joe and Jane wake up and understand they're being bamboozled by our elected officials? 
The Scoop is waiting for the final outcome, which most likely will be a walk through the park for Matthews and no jail time what-so-ever, but Matthews has indeed pulled off the great escape.