Monday, July 26, 2010

Is the DRPA "Lawless"?

While you might not think the goings on at the Delaware River Port Authority have much to do with Montgomery County, here's the real scoop. That E-Z Pass transponder port authority public safety chief Mike Joyce gave to one of his daughters to use was John Lawless's transponder. That's right the same John Lawless who once held the 150th Dist. legislative seat before being gerrymandered out back on '01. If you haven't heard his name in a while that's because he was offered a cushy job at the authority shortly after losing the election.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Is the jury really 'grand'?

Word on the street is the newly convened grand jury in Montgomery County has its hands full. There are a lot of comings and goings on Wednesdays at the courthouse. The possibility of illegal goings on with our very own county commissioner James Matthews and all the possible angles involving 770 Sandy St. in Norristown should keep a full battery of lawyers busy for quite a while.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Who's the boss?

That should really be in the past tense, but it was too good of a title to pass up.

Who was the boss is the question when it comes to Norristown's bungling of the inspection process for the condominium complex, which ultimately lead to more than a half dozen homeowners being kicked to the curb along with more than a dozen renters. The renters can simply rent somewhere else, but what about the homeowners? They're paying a mortgage on a property they can't live in, or rent out. So, I'll ask again? Who was the boss? Word out of Norristown is Jayne Musoyne was in charge of the planning department and also the building department at the time because Lynn Bixler had been fired. When will Norristown officials hold someone accountable?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Score one for accuracy

Seems The Scoop has an article of validation on the Jill Govberg scoop. Check out this story in The Times Herald, which really doesn't cover Lower Merion, but hey, looks like they were on it anyway.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

What's more American than a good old fashioned law suit?

See previous post for the scoop, but it's true, a law suit was filed against Montco commissioner hopefull Jill Govberg. Seems Govberg has in her possession the Lower Merion Republican Committee donor and e-mail lists and they want them back. Happy Fourth of July to one and all!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Who will GOP put up to run for county commish?

We're thinking it simply can't be Jill Govberg, even though we heard she was going to be Bruce Castor's running mate. That is, if the county republican committee is going to follow through with a suit against Govberg, forcing her to give up the party e-mail list and list of contributors. But then again, that leaves Matthews....and we're thinking he probably couldn't get elected dog catcher. What do you think? Ponder it while you're enjoying your July 4 weekend. The Scoop will be back on the trail next week.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Candid Camera

Did you like the West Conshy post from yesterday? If you did you're going to love today's. Seems a council member approached a member of the municipal authority, where we told you all of the money was being embezzled, and told them to resign. We'll the municipal authority member didn't like the idea at all and let the council member know it in no uncertain terms. The council member became a little concerned for his safety and decided he needed surveillance cameras installed on his house, which is fine, except The Scoop is hearing that residents of West Conshy are footing the bill. Now that's just wrong.